
  1. Browse through all our products or Use the “search” bar at the top right corner or header of the page to find a specific product.
  2. Once you have found the product you want, use the quick view to see the product details or alternatively click on the title or image to take you to the full product page.
  3. If your desired product has multiple variations, use the arrow keys beside it to select the variation you want to order before clicking on “add to cart”
  4. If you wish to add more products, close the cart and continue shopping.
  5. Once you are done selecting all the products you want to order, simply click on checkout.
  6. Select desired payment option
  7. Enter shipping address
  8. Complete order.

If you need any assistance or can’t find a particular product you’re looking for on the site please send us a mail or chat with us on Whatsapp.

